There is a psychology to weight loss, eating and food. It's called your weight/health story. If you have an emotional relationship with food and eating you need to change your story. Take the Emotional Eating Assessment to find out more. Research shows the first step you need to successfully change, lose weight AND keep it off, is to identify and change your (weight) story. Stories are how patterns and behaviors are wired into the brain. We all know how to lose weight, go on a diet… … [Read more...]
Are you an optimist and why is optimism so important?
In a recent article in The New York Times Jane Brody discussed the merits of being an optimist. Seeing the glass as being half full as opposed to half empty is very much a function of how you see it. An important distinction was made between being an optimist and two other character traits that complement optimism: persistence and what is called motivation (not giving up). This was found in a research study by Dr. Segerstrom and others to be the gift of optimism because when you combine … [Read more...]
Want change? Embrace change without needing anything to change
We live in a culture that is full of advertisements that encourage us to seek pleasure and avoid pain. We all want to change or strive to keep things the way they area. What you may be wondering is wrong with that? The messages are subtle: a mother who sits down on a park bench to take a well-deserved break eats a Nutrigrain bar. If you pay attention, most food advertising is selling and linking pleasure and reward with food. No wonder so many people associate food with a reward. This is one of … [Read more...]
In search of your Creativity: The Real Hunger Game
Let me just start out with saying stories and movies like the Hunger Games are not feeding the soul. If you stopped to think about it, you might ask yourself what you hunger for that you cannot name or do not recognize? Some would say it is creativity that really feeds the sou. Creativity is what we really hunger for and the capacity for creativity comes from deep within… an authentic place the yogis and Carl Jung called the Self. To access this creativity requires you to know yourself … [Read more...]
Six tips to improve your body and self- image so you can be happier and healthier
Let’s face it, in this culture how much you weigh is as important as how much you earn. I am not saying I agree with this, but there are things you can do to boost your body and your self- image that might be the key to unlocking your inner power. Focus on how you feel not how much you weigh. A negative body/self- image colors every aspect of your life. Research shows that long term successful weight loss requires you change the way you see yourself to keep your weight in check. Your … [Read more...]