Unlock the secret to creativity and innovation: a depth perspective leads to new way of seeing
Innovations are not due to luck or chance. It’s about solving a problem using a new or fresh perspective that is insight driven. Creativity is “the ability to imagine what has never existed” or makes new connections between old ideas that have never been put together in that way.
Because we do not understand creativity we associate it with an outside force, higher power coming from outside you…actually it is a higher power but it’s within you.
Once you understand how creativity works you can learn how to make it work for you.
Creativity comes from insight, inspiration. This insight is often instant. Most people are not tuned, not listening or non-believers. It is not just the domain of so called creative types, the brain is wired to be creative you just have to learn how to turn the wires on and cultivate the capacity to make the new associations and connections inherent in creativity happen.
Creativity often is linked with the “dark night of the soul” and the mirrors the character arc in a good story. It begins with a problem something that you want that is being frustrated. The creative journey is like the hero’s journey although it begins with a problem, it can be a trickster of sorts, behind the problem is the answer or solution to the problem.
Before the answer is found one must remain convinced that a solution is there or possible. Most people give up, once the “dark night of the soul” descends. Don’t give up… that’s when you have to stop thinking. Reaching a roadblock is an essential part of the creative process.
When we stop trying to use the conscious mind to solve the problem, have wrestled with the problem and seemingly lost…it’s often only at this point, after we’ve stopped searching for the answer, that the answer arrives. Apparently this thing called creative imagination, the genius or genie within, has a keen sense of irony.
What do you think allows one to go from mental block to breakthrough? It is persistence, not giving up, but giving it up. Ask yourself before you go to sleep to receive an answer to a problem in a dream, day dream, go for a walk, take a shower…it will be there if you don’t give up.
You must have had an experience like this. Share with some examples with me.
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