Why is it so difficult to change established patterns of behavior especially when those patterns do not serve us? The answer lies perhaps in getting clear about what you value. Recently I made the acquaintance of a website www.kairios.com which has a very helpful interactive way to get in touch with your values. Once you get clear on that, it helps you to tap into the right energy you need to bring about the changes you might be struggling with from losing weight, getting motivated to exercise and putting an end to procrastination.
I recommend you go on the site and take the values assessment. This will help you to see your priorities and understand why we do what we do that we are not always conscious. The clearer you get about what is important to you or what value, the more power you have to change a habit you want to change. This is what gives you the “stick to it-ness” you need to change those habits that are resistant to change.
Values are by definition something you feel is worth it. What is it that is worth it to you to catalyze you to stop eating processed and packaged foods? How can you use the energy inherent in the value of having self-control and self-respect that transcends the need to eat food that is harming you? Getting clear about what you value will empower anything you want to change. Taking action for three months doing something differently can actually help you to change your brain chemistry. What really matters to you?
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