There is a psychology to weight loss, eating and food. It’s called your weight/health story. If you have an emotional relationship with food and eating you need to change your story.
Take the Emotional Eating Assessment to find out more.
Research shows the first step you need to successfully change, lose weight AND keep it off, is to identify and change your (weight) story. Stories are how patterns and behaviors are wired into the brain.
We all know how to lose weight, go on a diet… simple eat less and exercise more. The problem is, as soon as the diet is over, we go back to our old ways because the diet is viewed as a short term fix and does not deal with the underlying cause of the problem (changing the self-image and the programmed behaviors).
In order to lose weight successfully you must re-program and install new habits that you begin to prefer that then become your new default way of eating. To do that you must change your story this includes the limiting beliefs that hold the story together and keep you stuck.
The problem is the decision to change is a conscious one, but unless you create coherence and alignment between the conscious goal to change (lose weight) and the unconscious stories, the old story wins out all the time.
Using guided meditation and hypnosis you can program the new identity (you thinner, fitter and happier) and manage the emotions when the brain realizes the discomfort (cognitive dissonance) of the change. If you don’t know what guided meditation is download and check out Letting Go one of the many you will be using.
New research in neuroscience is showing how using guided visualization and meditation we can create new neural networks, strengthen the part of the brain most involved in making changes, increase positive emotions and reduce stress. All of this is critical to your success.
Richard Davidson PhD using functional MRI (fMRI) technology identified that the left side of the frontal lobe – known as the left prefrontal cortex – is more active when people feel happy and the right prefrontal cortex is more active when people feel sad.
This research shows how learning how to meditate stimulates the left prefrontal cortex and helps to train people to be more focused, experience more positive emotions and makes the actions to change come easier. Check out Buddha’s brain and neuroplasticity.
In order to really create this alignment between the conscious and unconscious mind, you must do the preparation work that will begin to change your weight story. This is done with personalized sessions with me along with the guided meditations that will set you up for success… coherence between what you want and what you do. Skipping this step can make the difference between succeeding or not.
Getting control of your weight and health is the most important thing you can do… it is the foundation for everything.
To find out if The Diet for the Mind, the foundation for lasting weight loss I have created is right for you, schedule a free consultation.
Doing this foundational work can make the difference in finally losing weight successfully.
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