If you were a vibration of energy wouldn’t you want to vibrate at a high frequency, just like beautiful music, perfectly coherent? That is what meditation does, it raises your vibration and helps to undo the old patterns of the brain that keep you locked in a less desirable frequency. If you want to take charge of your health, lose weight, and get off auto-pilot learn how to meditate.
Meditating daily is like putting money in the bank. You are able to deal more effectively with stressful situations as they come up without having them be harmful to your health. People are attracted to you because we all respond to wave frequencies without even being aware of it. The higher the frequency the more attractive you become. It was once said to me by someone very wise, I don’t care how much Botox you use to clear the frowns on your forehead, if it doesn’t get rid of your anger, it won’t work.
I tried for many years to learn how to meditate. I am very appreciative of the training I did with Jon Kabat Zinn who created MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) Meditation. I am also grateful for the work of Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz who developed an awareness practice very similar to what Jon means by mindfulness that is taught at UCLA. This practice helps people to overcome anxiety and OCD without the use of medication. This process is also helpful for anyone who is stuck in a negative pattern or mind state which is everybody at some point in their lives.
Mindfulness along with meditation is of course two of the steps in the Eight Fold Path as written by Buddha. The Eight Limbs of Yoga written by the so-called father of Yoga, Patanjali, also includes breath work and mediation to assist in the journey towards more enlightenment.
I also studied with Sherrie Wade creator of Transformation Meditation. But, it was my “initiation” experience with Brijendra, who resides with Sherrie at an Ashram in the Himalaya in an area called the Valley of the Gods that helped me to turn the corner and make meditation a way of life. Part of the gift he gave me was his personal breathing practice and how he gets into meditation. He told me I was free to share it with who ever wanted it. So I decided to create my own version of this and it is now available for on my website.
Any diet or health approach you follow will be made easier if you meditate because meditation is a mind training exercise. You will also find it easier to do follow a healthy lifestyle because you will begin to vibrate at a higher frequency. Our thoughts feelings and emotions have a vibrational frequency. This has been proven by Dr. Hawkins’s ground breaking work which you can read more about in the book Power vs. Force.
The program I developed for home study also includes the mindfulness practice I developed based on the all of the above is called the Pausing Technique. This is how you start to train the brain, so that when you find yourself in a stressful situation, you are able to drop into what in meditation we call “the space.” By doing that, you strengthen your ability to act consciously and not automatically. This is how we find our power, live consciously as opposed to being on auto-pilot. The following quote by Viktor Frankyl explains this beautifully:
“Every human being has the freedom to change at any instant. In between stimulus and response there is a space, in that space lies our power to choose our response in our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
Through the practice of mediation and observing your thoughts, you develop the power to be more conscious and decide what you want to think, feel and do and thereby gain control over the automatic reactions of the brain. This is the beginning of how you cultivate mind power. This is the real secret, you have to be able to have a high vibration to your thoughts and feelings. Put another way you get what you think, but it is not easy to change your thoughts if you don’t like what its getting you.
As with anything it requires that you do it for at least six months to build a habit. To read more about how change or create a new habit read this.
[…] the habit of awareness. I suggest you start with that. Then I recommend you strengthen it with a meditation practice which builds the mental muscles of focus. Everything you want to achieve in life begins with a […]