Guess what happens when you focus on eating healthy?
The other night I was watching Dr. Joel Fuhrman, MD and you written the Eat to Live on a PBS special. His new program “Three Steps to Healthy Eating” was very easy to follow and right on. In the past I have tried to follow Dr. Fuhrman’s eating approach which is essentially a plant-based eating approach that includes seeds and beans as an everyday staple. The deterrent to me was the absence of animal protein which for creates satiety and keeps me from feeling hungry too soon after I eat.
I loved his simple new approach he calls GOMBS which stands for: greens, onions, mushrooms, bean/berries and seeds. It is that simple. Make the greens the mainstay of your meal, use onions and mushrooms daily because they are super foods, use the beans for protein and a dash of seeds.
What is remarkable was that Dr. Fuhrman’s and my experience is very similar. We are a food addicted nation partly because we have been fed the wrong information. It is not about eating less, exercising more, and having more willpower. I have written extensively about how food is our biggest addiction. It is also not about calories in and out. It is about the quality of the calorie and eating foods that are nutrient rich.
Guess what happens when you do that? You get more energy, you feel less hungry, you enjoy the food more, you lose weight but most importantly your ailments and propensity for disease goes away. I loved the comment he made about how addicted we are to using pills to solve our problem when eating the right food is the best medicine. He said it’s like hitting yourself over the head with a hammer everyday then going to the doctor to get a pill to make is stop hurting.
When are we going to wake up? We have been sold a bill of bad goods not only on the information we receive, but the food we are encouraged to eat that then addicts us and makes us sick. 80% of the illnesses we have are lifestyle induced. That means it’s up to you. If you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything.
The first step is to get informed then take a look at The Nirvana Diet™. It teaches you how to have the mind control to change your habits. Feels like an abrupt ending. How can I find out more? What’s the first step I should take with the Nirvana Diet™? Maybe a free consult? That’s only a phone call away.
Dr. Joel Fuhrman is a genius! His book — simply perfection. I have been working with Skyler for almost a year now. When I started working her meditation program it took me on a journey of “Food as Fuel”. I started looking for ways to work the new foods I was discovering at my local farmer markets. I found Eat to Live because he was actually using the foods that I was trying to work. I never followed the diet plan in his book — I used many of his innovative cooking ideas for eating cleaner. I literally stopped using Olive Oil to cook! Organic tomato juices and carrot juices with garlic and spices steamed my veggies to perfection. Big bowls of lovely green things! And my body took on a shape I had never seen in all my years of dieting. And my energy levels soared! Who knew you could freeze fruit and blend it into a great dessert. Or make salad dressing out of pureed cashews. I love this book. You can also download it on your Kindle and there are videos that are imbedded in the book for you to watch Joel make his recipes. There are also ways to find him on YouTube and at his own site. Take the journey — one little piece of information added over time wins the game —
Thanks Jordan for reminding me about his work. You are really tuned in.
I will take a look at this book. I keep teetering between a plant based diet and a Paleo meat based diet that says no beans and no grains.
I am becoming increasingly upset with the treatment of animals we use for our food and the part I play in their sad lives, but I also know that personally I feel better on a high protein diet. Only a couple days of a strictly vegetarian eating has me screaming for a large steak.
Maybe having a book that teaches healthy recipes that taste good will be the difference that I need to meet my goals of living a vegetarian lifestyle without feeling “cheated” out of all the foods I love.